It is International Women’s Day – let’s celebrate! Did you know that the 8th March was first recognised as International Women’s Day (IWD) in 1911? That makes it 110 years old this year. Times have certainly changed since then, but the fight for recognition, equal pay and a voice still rages on. Empowering women has never been more important. The theme for this year is #ChooseToChallenge . With this in mind, what better time to rise to the challenge of starting that project or, even, business that you have dreamt about for so long? I am here to take your hand and guide you through.
Inspirational Women
Whilst not everyone has dabbled in the world of swipe-right App dating, there’s no doubt that it is something that’s here to stay. Whitney Wolfe Herd was involved in the creation of Tinder in 2012. However, she felt that the online dating experience was too male-driven. So, in 2014, she launched Bumble, the female-centred dating App. Wolfe Herd is a passionate advocate for women in business. Having fought hard to find her way in the patriarchy of the tech industry, she now works to motivate and encourage women to do the same. “Women need to support other women, and we must ensure we are providing women with opportunities that allow them to reach their full potential.”
Choose to Challenge Yourself
What is your passion? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but the time has never been right? It can be so easy to get stuck. Maybe you started out on a career path with the intention of making a change once you had more financial security or bought that house, taken that holiday, had those children. The fact is, there will always be something,
And, as women, we so often prioritise these other things above ourselves. But what if you chose to take up that challenge and set aside your concerns? Imagine how fulfilling it would be to look back and know that you’d done it. Much more fulfilling than looking back with regret at not following your dreams.
Dare to Take Control
“Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women, who have her back” (author unknown). This is the essence of empowering woman to woman mentoring. If your aspiration is to set up your own business, or develop the one you already have, it can be daunting. Going out on your own can be scary. Thankfully, you don’t have to be alone. There is nothing more frustrating than knowing that you have a brilliant idea but don’t have the knowledge or experience to take that idea and run with it. By choosing a woman mentor, you already have that connection and shared experience. Women want to see other women succeed.
What is Personal Branding?
Personal Branding and Brand Consultancy are incredibly powerful tools. You want to set up your business because you have a passion for your idea, but what sets that idea apart from everyone elses? YOU. Your business isn’t an anonymous creation, it is part of you. Your story is the thing that makes it stand out. Personal Branding can help you to interweave your story into your business so that it has a uniqueness that will appeal to your potential customers.
How Can I Create My Brand?
Personalising your brand doesn’t mean it has to be all about you. It is more about taking your vision and making sure that everything you do has elements of that vision in it. Branding Consultancy can show you how to do this. Social media is the smiling face of business these days, so it is incredibly important that you use this tool well. However, it is one thing admiring beautiful travel photos on Instagram and something entirely different trying to come up with new and inspiring posts to promote your brand everyday. Are you ready?
Starting Small
Personal Branding can start with baby steps. Something like an empowering portrait session might seem like a small thing, but it can actually be the best way to project your vision to your clients. It is so much more than a standard business photoshoot. The photos capture who you really are and what makes you stand out from the crowd. In the world of scrolling images, you want yours to be the one people remember.
Inspire, Connect, Elevate
I have different levels of Branding Consultancy available, depending on your needs. Sometimes a simple chat about what you are hoping to achieve, or a particular issue you are struggling with, can be enough to get you back on track. Just talking it all through with someone who is there to encourage and guide you can help you break that tunnel vision we all get when we get bogged down. Online consultancy is a great way to do this. You don’t have to find travelling time on top of meeting time in your busy schedule. Making that connection with a mentor will help elevate your motivation and make your path clearer.
The Next Level
Are you looking for more? Month-long mentoring relationships allow for a deeper dig into your ideas and brand. This is where marketing wizardry can really start to help your business. I will have the time to help you create a strong marketing strategy, help you organise your social media posts and make authentic connections with your target clients. You will also receive feedback and have a follow-up consultation to see how things are going and if you are staying on track.
A Lasting Relationship
We all know from anything like Weight Watchers to A.A. to Strava that things go better when you have an accountability partner. A longer mentoring relationship is perfect for those feeling a little wobbly about their venture. Three-month long Personal Branding and Content Marketing Empowerment isn’t only for people new to business, but can also benefit those whose businesses need a boost. It can be extremely stressful, after you have put so much effort into creating your business, just waiting for things to take off. Taking on a mentor can help you to see the changes you need to make to really get your business out there. A three month journey gives you access to email support and more feedback sessions, as well as a written action plan and an in-depth look at your business model, website and social media content.
Women Need Women
When we look back over our lives and at the times when we’ve really needed support, so often it is a woman that we have turned to. For some, it will have been their mother or sister, for others it will have been a childhood friend or a woman they connected with later in life. There is deep water that runs between women. It isn’t that we can’t find support from men, but there is a special something that women have when they help each other. We are a tribe. International Women’s Day might only be officially recognised one day a year, but women supporting women is a way of life. If you are looking for help with taking your business to the next level, or just want to talk through your ideas with another woman who knows what it is like to take that exciting, but scary step out into the unknown, you have come to the right place. I would love to connect with you, and help you achieve your dream and beyond. You’ve got this, and I’ve got your back.